* 이 글은 2013년 12월 19일 12:14 am에 작성된 글이니, 착오없었으면 합니다.

Yongsan station cityscape panorama, view from the top on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
I've been one of most spectacular cityscape viewpoint in Seoul - Night in Seoul, view from the Eungbongsan with sepia tone https://www.flickr.com/photos/ara21c/10667443594/
and this place also one of spectacular viewpoint in Seoul.
But I think it will change someday in the future because many constructions are going on surrounding areas.
Yongsan. So much I'd like to talk about this area but I don't want to know about this area so not that interest.
Anyway, I did know this place because I'm working there. It was short-term work so I won't be there long though.
I thought about bring my camera and get the permission to enter the place for taking photos. But I am not that interested to know about this area so I will skip it.
I've taken a photo through the unclean window so color wasn't great and some part of place's color were quite wrong, I think.
But still you can see how it looks like.
Photo taken with HTC Desire HD and uploaded to google photo service and it automatically generated panorama photo. You can see the auto-generated one here https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AraSeongpillkon/posts/jJzvtg2K58R
And then edited with Gimp - Adjust color levels and resized.
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