'OpENing'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2013.05.06 a crowd of people at Changgyeonggung (gung means palace)
  2. 2012.12.18 Seongnam media centre opening events

a crowd of people at Changgyeonggung (gung means palace)


* 이 글은 2013년 5월 6일 4:00 am에 작성된 글이니, 착오없었으면 합니다.

a crowd of people at Changgyeonggung (gung means palace)

a crowd of people at Changgyeonggung (gung means palace) on Flickr.

Via Flickr:

It was last day of opening until night.

People were lined up almost one kilometer for buying the ticket, when I arrived there around 8:30pm.


Seongnam media centre opening events


* 이 글은 2012년 12월 18일 6:23 pm에 작성된 글이니, 착오없었으면 합니다.

성남미디어센터 개관 행사 포스터

Seongnam media centre opening events

성남미디어센터개관 행사 안내 포스터

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