'embassy of Japan'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2013.06.13 world heritage in Japan photo exhibition at the public information and cultural center of Embassy of Japan in Korea.

world heritage in Japan photo exhibition at the public information and cultural center of Embassy of Japan in Korea.


* 이 글은 2013년 6월 13일 3:12 pm에 작성된 글이니, 착오없었으면 합니다.

world heritage in Japan photo exhibition at the public information and cultural center of Embassy of Japan in Korea.

world heritage in Japan photo exhibition at the public information and cultural center of Embassy of Japan in Korea. on Flickr.

Via Flickr:

That building is the public information and cultural center of Embassy of Japan in Korea.

주한일본대사관의 공보문화원에 걸린 일본의 세계 유산 사진전 현수막

If you can read Korean, you can check out their website from http://www.kr.emb-japan.go.jp/cult/event_info_201306.htm

위 주소는 공보문화원의 문화행사안내 웹주소로 클릭하면 자세한 행사 안내를 확인할 수 있다.

When: from April 26 until June 25, 2013.

where: Silk gallery, second floor of this building.

opening hour: 10:00am - 5:30pm

closing at Saturday, Sunday and public holiday

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